Tiger & Bunny Wiki

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Tiger & Bunny Wiki
Alexander Lloyds
Japanese アレキサンダー・ロイス
Gender Male
Relatives Unnamed wife
Five unnamed children
Occupation Kotetsu and Barnaby's Manager
Media Portrayal
Debut Episode 1
All's well that ends well
Seiyū Wataru Yokojima
Daran Norris (English)

Alexander Lloyds (アレキサンダー・ロイス) is an employee of Apollon Media, and Kotetsu's and Barnaby's manager.


Alexander Lloyds is a kissass with a hate-boner for anything that doesn't get those stocks up. While he usually doesn't make the idiotic higher-up descisions, he sure rides those shitty dicks like a champ when the descisions explode in their faces and tank their stock. He's quick to blame Wild Tiger, even if Tiger didn't do anything and was in the toilet taking a shit on his lunch break (because god forbid he be caught shitting on Company Time with Lloyds as his boss).

Lloyds is very fond of Barnaby, however, and is incredibly willing to whore him out to anyone that offers up a fat enough of a check. Lloyds does not care what Barnaby will be doing, as long as everyone is getting paid or there's good publicity.

He has a wife and 5 children. He has so many children because he's catholic and doesn't believe in condoms.

