Tiger & Bunny Wiki

Reminder: This Wiki is no longer upkept as of April 2024. Information may be outdated, inaccurate, missing, or not marked properly as a spoiler.


Tiger & Bunny Wiki
Ben Jackson
Gender Male
Occupation Cab driver
director of TopMag hero division (formerly)
Co-Manager of Wild Tiger and Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Media Portrayal
Debut Episode 01
All's well that ends well
Seiyū Katsuhisa Hōki (Japanese)

Beau Billingslea (English)

Ben Jackson is the former director of Top MaG Hero Division, and Kotetsu T. Kaburagi's boss, before the company was bought out by Apollon Media. He later found his new work as a cab driver, yet kept in touch with Kotetsu and followed his friend's hero career, most notably during the Jake Martinez incident.


Ben was the first to notice the signs that Kotetsu's powers were in decline and told the hero of his suspicions. Later, when Kotetsu is framed for murder and his hero friends are unable to remember/recognize him, Ben helped him out of a jam and returned one of his old Wild Tiger costumes to him. He is the only one of the few people Tiger can truly trust at the moment, and they even laughed together at an alley despite the situation.

In the episode 25 epilogue, Alexander Lloyds is shown welcoming him to Apollon Media's Hero Division.
