TIGER&BUNNY THE COMIC was a manga adaptation of Tiger & Bunny drawn by Hiroshi Ueda and written by Erika Yoshida. The chapters were meant to take place in between events of the series and movies, referencing and expanding on the story. It was serialized in Shueisha's Miracle Jump from October 11th 2011 and ended September 23rd 2016, with 41 chapters which were collected into 7 volumes with 6 bonus chapters. Ueda and Yoshida returned with a oneshot continuation in Shueisha's Young Jump Battle in October 15th 2019. The series has yet to be published outside of Japan.
Miracle Jump was a bi-monthly until it went on hiatus, then the magazine underwent a renewal in 2013. It came back from hiatus in April 2014 as a monthly magazine.
The series came back as TIGER&BUNNY2 THE COMIC as a web serialization in Tonari no Young Jump on April 8th 2022. It included the 2019 Young Jump Battle oneshot as its prologue chapter, and then continued forward with events relating to Season 2.
Volume 1[]
- #1: Better a live coward than a dead hero...?
- #2: Love conquers all.
- #3: A gift is valued by the mind of the giver.
- #4: Good seed makes a good crop.
- #5: No man is infallible.
Volume 2[]
- #6: No answer is also an answer.
- #7: Seeing is believing.
- #8: Miracles happen to those that believe in them.
- #9: Love covers many infirmities.
- #10: When the word is out it belongs to another.
- #11: Actions speak louder than words.
- #11.5: Honestry [sic!] is the best policy.
Volume 3[]
- #12: Look at the both sides of the shield.
- #13: That which comes from the heart will go to the heart.
- #14: Forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
- #15: Here today and gone tomorrow.
- #16: Aim for the sky and fall on the trees.
- #17: The first step is always the hardest.
- #17.5: Danger past, God forgotten?
Volume 4[]
- #18: Better ask the way than go astray.
- #19: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
- #20: All lay loads on a willing horse.
- #21: Birds of a feather flock together.
- #22: The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.
- #23: It takes two to make a quarrel.
- #23.5: They made easy money gains.
Volume 5[]
- #24: So many men, so many minds. (十人十色)
- #25: Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
- #26: Forewarned is forearmed.
- #27: There is always life for a living man.
- #28: A soft answer turns away wrath.
- #29: Time and tide wait for no man. (歳月人を待たず)
- #29.5: Don't judge a book by its cover (人は見かけによらず)
Volume 6[]
- #30: Time will take care of the rest...?
- #31: Unsung hero
- #32: Love is the reward of love.
- #33: Every jack has his Jill.
- #34: The eye will be where the love is.
- #35: One good turn deserves another.
- #35.5: A sound mind in a sound body.
Volume 7[]
- #36: Do your best and leave the rest to Providence.
- #37: Appearances are deceptive.
- #38: It is no use crying over spilt milk.
- #39: Everything has an end.
- #40: Everything results from you daily actions.
- #41: Tomorrow is sure to come.
- #41.5: It is not possible to come round and to encounter it if never separating.
Volume 1[]
- #00: Everything comes to those who wait.
- #01: Can't See the Wood for the Trees.
- #02: To every bird, his own nest is beautiful.
- #03: The first step is always the hardest.
- #04: Life is what you make it.
- #05: No time like the present.
- #06: As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
- #07: Seeing is believing.
- #08: Seeing is believing. (2)
- #08.5: Faith will move mountains.
Volume 2[]
- #09: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
- #09.5(BD): Whoever is happy will make others happy.
- #10: No answer is also an answer.
- #11: Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
- #12: True valor lies between cowardice and rashness.
- #13: He goes a-gleaning before the cart has carried.
- #14: History repeats itself.