Tiger & Bunny Wiki

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Tiger & Bunny Wiki

NEXT Powers first appeared 45 years prior to the series' start, but no information is known as to what caused them to first surface.

When activated, NEXT powers generally surround the user with a blue glowing outline and turn the user's eyes a bright blue as well. In some cases the glow is orange or red, but no information on the difference is currently known. Currently, Jake Martinez, who glowed orange, is the only NEXT known to have more than one power at the same time. There are also some NEXT powers that have shown to not emit a glow when active, however their eyes usually glow regardless. For example, Origami Cyclone glows upon activating a shapeshift, but not while shapeshifted, and the power of Sensing Things by Smell only has the user's eyes glow when it is in use.

In rare cases, NEXTs have been known to have their powers decline or lose them entirely. Why this occurs is not yet known, and the only cases of power decline seen in the series are Wild Tiger and Mr. Legend; both heroes with Hundred Power.

List of Known NEXT Abilities[]

Elemental Powers[]

Offensive Powers[]

Defensive Powers[]

Mental Powers[]

Fundamental Force Powers[]

Uncategorized Powers[]
