Tiger & Bunny Wiki

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Tiger & Bunny Wiki

The Second League is a second unnamed group of NEXT heroes. They fight alongside the First League.



  • The Second League was established six months after the defeat of Jake Martinez, due to the increasing popularity of NEXT heroes.
    • Maverick had decided to set up more exciting and dangerous missions for the heroes, while leaving the petty and everyday problems off the air to boost ratings.
  • As they are not on HeroTV, the Second League is allowed to be have NEXT with next-to useless powers.
    • Tiger uses this to continue being a hero between episode 26 and The Rising, to compensate for his weakened NEXT power.
    • However, a NEXT with a power good enough for the First League can choose to be part of the Second League, as Barnaby did.
  • The Second League is paid less that the First League.
    • The exact amount is unknown, but the raise from getting promoted to the First League was enough for Barnaby to donate to charity.