Tiger & Bunny Wiki

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Tiger & Bunny Wiki

Storage Bangle (ストレージバングル) is a wrist-mounted device that contains Hyper Nano System, allowing the users to equip their Hero Suits anywhere they desire without a need of a transporter or inside the industry they're belong in.


A black bracelet that holds a white and silver nut-like device at the center with two discs attached on it. At the center is a sphere-shaped panel in the user’s theme color (light green for Kotetsu, magenta for Barnaby) with a black screen that displays colored lines upon activated.


The system was installed with fingerprint authentication, usually done through their right thumb. It also contains the designated user’s personal data, therefore preventing the item to be used by the wrong person. However, at some point, it is made possible to switch between user to borrow their suit, such as when Barnaby uses Wild Tiger’s bangle after his was broken during the fight against berserk Audun, much to Agnes and Saito's shock despite the latter being the one who created it (the oneshot manga reveals that Kotetsu and Barnaby were planning this in case of emergency).


The suit-up is motion-activated, as the user only needs to slide the sphere to draw a line in order to connect to a screen below before spreading multiple lines on it. The sphere lights up and eventually spreads into the screen, starting the transformation.

As the voice saying “Wild Tiger, Hero Mode” or “Barnaby, Hero Mode” depending on which user that perform the transformation, the ‘circle’ will appear to summon their suits twice; upwards for the inner suits from toe to head, and downwards in reverse for the helmet and additional parts. Eventually the shoulder pieces appear, then the arm parts light up while adding the transparent parts of them. Wild Tiger’s lines in the front suits start to light upwards, while the same happened to Barnaby’s jetpack downwards before the transparent part appears. Finally, the helmet starts to light up to cover their face with the mask, completing the transformation.

If the user transforms using the bangle from other teammate, then the voice will say "Tiger & Bunny, Hero Mode" instead.

It is eventually revealed in the final episode and oneshot manga that the transformation and its cancellation is actually instantaneous in-universe, and the transformation sequence is served for the audience’s benefit.

Known Users[]


  • The color of the background during transformation is based on the ‘eyes’ of the user’s helmet (gold for Wild Tiger, blue for Barnaby).
  • The ‘circle’ used to summon the suit is based on their respective theme color with their hero names engraved on it. (light green with ‘Wild Tiger’, and magenta with ‘Barnaby Brooks Jr.’)
  • The Storage Bangle was originally a random idea drawn by character designer during production, and was eventually included in the season.