Tiger & Bunny Wiki

Reminder: This Wiki is no longer upkept as of April 2024. Information may be outdated, inaccurate, missing, or not marked properly as a spoiler.


Tiger & Bunny Wiki
Titan Industry
Sponsored Hero Blue Rose
Golden Ryan
CEO Titan Industry CEO
Statue Bastet

Titan Industry (タイタンインダストリー), named for the titans of Greek mythology, is one of the seven major companies in Sternbild City.

It is a company from the heavy industrial sector which also makes a huge profit through Blue Rose's career as a popular idol singer.

Notable Employees[]

Hero Division[]

Hero Transport Vehicle[]

Titan Industry provides a transport vehicle for Blue Rose, as well as her bike. It has a small room with a platform that raises her to the top of the vehicle and a large room that opens out into a stage for live performances.

